I figured I had to prove I was at the Tower before my final post. This is my last video hope you enjoyed my blog.
Monday, August 16, 2010
My Final Post

It is so hard to believe that the trip is over! That was the fastest month of my life. I have seen and done so many things in the time I have been in Europe: I was able to vist three different countries (not to mention two of them were in the world cup while I was there). I met so many people, not just from Spain , but from around the U.S. It is hard to find words to explain what I witnessed and what I went through. I will never have a better time in my life then I did in Spain; I will always tell storys of Europe for the remainder of my life. I want to give a special thanks to Dr. Wilson; he is one of the coolest people I have ever met. Also, to all my fellow Catawba students that were their with me. It was nice to know that I had fifteen guys back me up when I was in a forgein country. I can honestly admit that when we all went out together, I was never scared of what might happen. Also I want to give thanks to the Forspro Program. Although there were some flaws, overall it was well put together. Good bye Europe, Iwill never be able to repay you for what you gave to me and my friends.
The Louvre
The third day we were in Paris we went on an adventureto the Lourve. The Louvre is a famous museum that features artists shuch as Micalgelo and Leonard de Vinci. After a while, we got tired and did not realize where we were. It turns out we were right outside the Louvre we just did not know it!
It was extremely hard to want to leave Spain for France; there was just way to many things I loved about Spain. Unfortunately, we had no choice in the matter because are flight back to the U.S. was out of Paris. Oh well, time to make the best of it! During the day, we went to most of the tourist "hot spots" around France such as the Arch, The Eiffel Tower, The Louve and Notre Dame. We also took boat tour through the cannels of Paris. The city of France is very beautiful, but I cannot say the same for the french people personalities. I felt like any where we went somebody was trying to rip us off and at this point in time on the trip I did not have much money left. I am really glad I experienced Paris but I highly doubt I will ever come back. It is very expensive so if you do decide to visit Paris, be ready to spend some money.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Good Bye Spain Hello France
Part of our trip included a four day stay in Paris. Here is a little tour of the hotel room Casey and I stayed in.
Good Bye Spain
This little clip is my last few minutes in Spain on the bus going to the airport for my flight to Paris. I loved Spain ; I don't ever think I will have a better time in another country for the rest of my life. I was very sad I had to leave!
My Class Room
Looking back on my trip to Europe, I often forget that I was in school because I was having so much fun. Almost every week day we had class at 9:45 in the morning and I was usually woken up by my good friend mike. I would roll out of bed usually hurting pretty bad and make my way down stairs for class. When you first hear the word "class", alot of people automaticaly connotate it with boring and miserable. Well, that was the complete opposite of my Spainsh class with Dr. Wilson; we had so much fun trying to speak Spainsh and most of the kids in our class made things intresting. Dr. Wilson is an amazing teacher and if you havent started your foriegn language credits, take Dr. Wilson! Up above is a picture of the class room we crammed into every morning.
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