Friday, August 13, 2010

My Class Room

Looking back on my trip to Europe, I often forget that I was in school because I was having so much fun. Almost every week day we had class at 9:45 in the morning and I was usually woken up by my good friend mike. I would roll out of bed usually hurting pretty bad and make my way down stairs for class. When you first hear the word "class", alot of people automaticaly connotate it with boring and miserable. Well, that was the complete opposite of my Spainsh class with Dr. Wilson; we had so much fun trying to speak Spainsh and most of the kids in our class made things intresting. Dr. Wilson is an amazing teacher and if you havent started your foriegn language credits, take Dr. Wilson! Up above is a picture of the class room we crammed into every morning.

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