Monday, August 16, 2010


It was extremely hard to want to leave Spain for France; there was just way to many things I loved about Spain. Unfortunately, we had no choice in the matter because are flight back to the U.S. was out of Paris. Oh well, time to make the best of it! During the day, we went to most of the tourist "hot spots" around France such as the Arch, The Eiffel Tower, The Louve and Notre Dame. We also took boat tour through the cannels of Paris. The city of France is very beautiful, but I cannot say the same for the french people personalities. I felt like any where we went somebody was trying to rip us off and at this point in time on the trip I did not have much money left. I am really glad I experienced Paris but I highly doubt I will ever come back. It is very expensive so if you do decide to visit Paris, be ready to spend some money.

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